Larimer County, CO – On March 28th, the NCCHC auditors arrived and began their survey of the Larimer County Detention Center facility. Over the next few days, 4 on-site surveyors were working with different team members. During their visit, they interviewed inmates, conducted housing area inspections, food preparation and pharmacy areas. The medical auditor reviewed charts which were representative of the 450 inmate patient population. The lead surveyor interviewed Amanda Jarman, CorrHealth’s Health Services Administrator (HSA) for approximately 11 hours over 2 days.
The very positive exit interview was 1½ hours and all of the CorrHealth team members, several Larimer officers and Lt. Shaffer were in attendance. “Every day we’re ready. Ready for an audit, for emergencies, for whatever the day brings. Today was a bright, shining moment for our whole team to showcase that readiness,” Jarman said.
“Results from the audit are expected very shortly,” said Todd Murphy, Co-Founder and President of CorrHealth. “The Larimer County Detention Center is a model facility, and we are so proud to be partners with Lt. Shaffer and the Larimer County Sheriff’s office. Together, we’re planning for the future, and we couldn’t be more excited about it.”