Dallas, TX – CorrHealth and Jefferson County have signed a long-term renewal of a new and innovative contract. The renewal expands the continued commitment by the two organizations to work together to enhance the healthcare of the inmate patients at the Jefferson County Correctional Facility. The Jefferson County Commissioners court voted unanimously for the contract.
“We are delighted to continue our partnership with Jefferson County and will maintain our diligence as stewards to their taxpayer dollars. Despite a notoriously tough recruiting environment, CorrHealth will begin recruiting to add and fill roles for healthcare professionals and add more service hours,” said Todd Murphy, President, CorrHealth.
A presentation by Jefferson County Sheriff, Zena Stephens, outlined the proposed changes to the contract, which expires June 30. Stephens told commissioners that the daily population number of inmates has gone from 600 (pre-COVID) to 915 today. “Over the past few years, we’ve had an increase in population, and people have medical and mental health conditions, and the longer they stay in our jail, we are obligated and responsible for treating them, and once you do that, then you have to medicate them,” said Stephens, who went on to say that the increase in the cost of health care and medication greatly contributes to the increased cost of providing health care to inmates. “It is not poor management or mismanagement, it’s inflation and the cost of doing business.”
“CorrHealth has been an excellent partner and they do a tremendous job supporting their employees, as well as ours. They’ve been extremely transparent with our true costs, and I appreciate the lengths they go to in an effort to reduce our costs, while maintaining a high level of care and service. For me, their level of transparency and detail with finance and operations gives us a level of trust which we haven’t experienced with any other provider,” said John Shauberger, Jefferson County Chief Deputy. “
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